Monday 21 January 2013

Advertisement Planning

Brief: Fashion chain that is aimed at 16-23 year olds in which sells clothing that is similar to bank.
Assignment: Create a one minute advert aimed at what is stated within the brief.


Researching current stores/brands (look at their adverts) and see techniques used
Mind man ideas
Mood board
Word board
Pre-production Storyboarding

Research (fashion Chains)


Camera shots and angles
There are a range of shots used in this advert as it shows close up, mid shots and mainly wide shots in order to show the large amount of people within the advert.
The main shot which is the wide shot is an important part of the way the advert is conveyed as it is mainly based around the idea of the supremacy that H&M clothing will give men and also the attention women will get which is widely shown through this.
Linear/Non linear
The advert is linear and very straightforward as it shows some girls giving one guy the attention in which they receive back due to the H&M clothing they are wearing.
As this is not based on a storyline this just delivers the message behind the advert and makes the clothing the centre of attention and the advert also shows how the clothing will be projected to others.
The sound in the adverts are diegetic sound as it only has some music.
This supports the excitement in which the advert is trying to show and the happiness the clothes will bring to one's life etc.
This advert is a realist as it shows the female characters showing their clothing along with the male and the affection they have for each other due to the clothes making them attractive.
The structure of the advert is well made as it makes the clothes the main focus.

My proposal for our company name is shuffle as this would mean change in the direction that people take within the clothing.This will all be stated within our Logo as we would design it to suit what we will represent.The following will be our Logo:

Therefore looking at this logo this will inspire people to take a different path and approach to the way they see fashion. The target audience will be people interested in urban clothing therefore fitting with the working brief of aiming at people aged between 16-23 as they are highly in clothing within this category.

New Logo
Having put all aspects of our old logo into consideration this conveyed the apple brand as the shuffle sign in which we had put in the logo was based on apple. Therefore we made this more innovative in order to ensure that our brand is unique. Also as it is clearly distinctive from others this means that there would be more brand awareness.  As the target audience are also of a younger age this logo is also suitable and something that would be appealing to an audience of 16-25 years.

Mood board:


Wood board



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