Sunday 6 January 2013


Market research agencies and organisations

Barb stands for broadcasters audience research as this organisation gathers all information in regard to the amount of audience a program receives through a selected panel of private homes. Barb also gets television ratings for broadcasters and also advertising agencies within the UK.This organisation is the official source of television figures in the UK. Therefore Barb conducts this research for the contractors for a certain fee which depends on the categories the research falls in. Looking into Barb's audience measurement process the organisation provides information on the amount of people watching television along with further information such as the channels, the program, the time the people will be watching that certain program and the people's factors (e.g. social factors). Barb is a very reliable source of information in terms of television occurrences as it is a not-for-profit limited company funded by a range of TV channels such as ITV and BBC.
Radio Joint Audience Research is an organisation that carries out research on the amount of people listening to a certain radio channel within the United Kingdom. Therefore Rajar finds out information regarding who listens, where, why and how they listen to that certain radio channel. Overall the organisation monitors the performance of a specific radio channel and distributes the information they find to businesses that purchase this information therefore showing them which station will best suit their advertisement in order for them to reach their target audience.
Ofcom researches the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services and wireless devices. Therefore this organisation provides information to contractors on how they can communicate effectively without facing any problems such as scams. Businesses can therefore make a contract with Ofcom in order to be informed of the range of tastes and interests in which the viewers have, what material is acceptable to publish and how to treat the people in which are within their advertisements.
NRS media
New revenue sources media is an organisation that helps media companies by making them more aware of their target audience and how they can attract them. Therefore this organisation helps its clients by offering them help with their advertisements therefore providing information on how to identify target markets and how to make the correct marketing strategy that will attract new audience.

British Broadcasting Corporation is a British broadcasting service that provides information on the current affairs to the general public. The BBC has a range of ways in which the public can access its information as it broadcasts on the radio, television and on the Internet. Therefore media organisations can carry out research through the BBC as it provides statistics and other things such as social, technological and economic factors about the public therefore identifying markets. As the information provided on the BBC is not one sided this increases the accuracy and makes it reliable to use in making judgement.

Within the media industry advertisers have different types of audience in which they aim for.Therefore there are a range of points that advertisers do in order to target the specific target audience in which they have for example specific people may have a preference of specific text.Therefore in order to reach the audience that they want the advertisers have to ensure that they fulfil all the requirements that the audience have.

Men 16-34

Young men within this age group have hard preferences to identify as opposed to women within the same age group.Therefore advertisers having a range of things in which they try to identify such as the statistics regarding their family size as most don't have children and are single.Therefore these factors have an impact on how advertisements are conveyed to them along with other factors such as their social factors and their work as they will be highly focusing on earning a living at this age.

Other things in which are highly used by advertisers is the interest of sports from this age group as they have a high interest in sport.Also following upon the choices that young men within this age group prefer in terms of media these are newspapers,cinema and radio media based communication based on sport and music.

This age group also has an interest in magazines as magazine producers have started to create magazines mainly aimed at man.An example of a men's magazine between the age of 16-34 is as shown within the maxim magazine picture above showing a very well known star (Megan Fox) who is said to be a foxy lady which does not refer to her being a fox but being a beautiful and sexy woman which is also reflected in the picture.The magazine also has topics in which this age group as an interest in.Therefore this attracts men within this age group hence why it is also used by other magazines such as Zoo and Nuts in which also aim for this target market.

Men ABC1

Britain contains of 12.8 million ABC1 men meaning that this is a big market as its accounts for over a quarter of all adults.Within this group the men are likely to be married rather than separated or divorced.These men are hard driven and focus on their careers meaning that they have a high disposable income to spend.

As they focus within their careers the people within this category have a high impact within the creative media industry.One part in which they use is the Internet as over 60% have access to broadband.The sites in which they mostly surf involve travel,sport,finance and news sites

Furthermore in looking at other sources of media this category of upmarket men do not highly use magazines except those based on health as the one shown above therefore helping them in keeping fit and they also regularly listen to the radio in seeking for news and sport.

However the downfall of this audience is their lack of time despite them often having time to look up on media they find interest in.Looking into the main time the media industry should target for this category this should be done within the weekend as the view rating increase with a high amount of the views being on a Friday and Saturdays which is mainly due to sports.They also tend to watch other programs such as documentaries,news and other comedy based programs.As they reflect their love for sport this shows why they pay for channels such as sky sports etc.

Men C2DE

This is quite a high amount of people as it includes over ten and a half million men within the UK.This group of people have a high impact on the media industry as they continue the certain tasks that they carry out within their normal routines which is an advantage as they also continue to have the same patterns when it comes to use of media.

TV is a very important part of the lives for men within this category which is why they are classed as medium viewers.Looking at the viewing figures the men within this group watch more TV during the week as opposed to the weekend which is why they have high investments in purchasing TVs etc.A high amount of them also use sky and due to the upgrade some have also upgraded therefore showing their interest in television programs.

This group has a high interest in technology that helps in enhancing their television experience for example cinema systems and other forms of technology which is likely the reason behind their high interest in television.The main television programs in which they watch are sports such as football,rugby and F1. However they also have an interest in other things such as films,reality based programs and comedy.Their favourite channels vary from ITV to Sci-Fi and looking at the other things they watch this includes soaps (coronation street),Big Brother and other dramas including Lost etc.

Despite having a very high interest in television some men in this group also take time to listen to the radio as they travel within the morning going to work and when they return.Looking at the channels they listen to these include those such as FiveLive and TalkSport in which are sport based radio stations.However they also listen to music.As they have such high interest in receiving information through technological media they do not have high interest in newspapers but read magazines such as nuts and zoo.

Men 55+

This age group has now changed in terms of their interest in media as they have a difference in attitude.Therefore due to their change in attitude they have similarities of interests that some young people have.As this age group continues to expand the people that it consists have now become a highly aimed target market as high profit returns are cause by them.

As some people work within this age group they have significantly less time to spare in spending time on media.However most people within this age group have retired meaning that they have more time to spend on things that they enjoy which therefore includes media.Therefore television plays a big role within their lives as they find enjoyment in watching programs on BBC,Discovery,National Geographic etc.

They are also mainly interested in news related programs and they also like other entertaining programs including soaps along with game shows such as countdown and etc. Moreover half of the men within this age group tend to listen to the radio daily (including BBC radio and Classic FM).However they do not have a high interest in magazines despite them having an interest with the topics which are based on gardening,golf and classic cars.

Women 16-34

Young women have a range of interest when it comes to media and they also have different patterns in which they have when it comes to watching television as they have different roles namely mothers,business women and students.However they all watch TV for the same purpose which is for relaxation and enjoyment.Therefore as a group of people with high interest in media they are a big market.However they do not have much interest in other forms of media such as television programs including the news,magazines despite highly purchasing magazines such as Glamour and heat and the radio.

Therefore as they view television in high amounts they are placed as medium to heavy viewers especially those with children as they take this time to spend time with them or if they go to school meaning they use this time to relax.Young women also have a big interest in shows such as desperate housewives and other reality TV shows including Big Brother and dramas such as lost.

Women ABC1

Women within this group are more likely to have children and they are also likely to be separated or divorced.Most of the women are over the age of 30 and they have a mixture of work and personal life in which may include having to care for their children.Upmarket women cover 30% of adults within Britain and as busy people their to media choices are magazines such as Elle and red and going to the cinema in which they go to have some alone time were they can relax and enjoy the movie.However they do not have an interest in newspapers and they do not spend much time on the Internet compared to ABC1 men.

Women in this bracket value TV, although they don't rely on it or regard it as a pastime. This attitude is largely reflected in their tastes and habits. They are much more inclined to watch during late peak when the kids have gone to bed. This is fairly stable throughout the week. Interestingly, this demographic are more susceptible to time-shifted viewing than their male counterparts. Again, their demanding schedules are likely to dictate what they watch and when.

Women within this group do not have much reliance on television therefore not placing them as a highly interested in this form of media.However when watching television they like channels such as E4,Living,Channel 4 etc.They also find programs such as documentaries (e.g how to look good naked?) and event drams (e.g desperate housewives) interesting.

Women C2DE

Within this group there are 11 million women who are currently living within the UK therefore making them a big target market as a group that consists of a lot of people.This group has a wide range of people from young mums to retirees meaning that they have different things within the media industry that they enjoy.

Another reason as to why this is a big target market is due to self confessed TV addicts of nearly 20% as this means that they constantly watch television.In terms of the channels that they enjoy these include ITV, Five, E4 etc.They also watch children's channels such as Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network therefore showing that there is a high amount of mothers within this bracket.Another thing in which they mostly cover views in is soaps such as Emmerdale and EastEnders and they also find reality magazines entertaining along with shows such as X-factor and Loose women.They also listen to the radio but hardly read newspapers as they prefer television viewing.

Women 55+

As women aged 55+ do not consider themselves old anymore due to the longer life expectancy they also have a attitude in which is comparison within younger women.This age group cover a big amount of 9 million people within the UK therefore meaning that they are a big market for television producers etc.

As they find enjoyment in television and rely upon it for information and entertainment this means they increase the viewing figures of television programs by a high amount.Programs including those on ITV,BBC etc.They also appreciate early morning shows such as GMTV and other shows such as Antiques Roadshow.Most read newspapers including the daily mail and half also listen to the radio everyday.However they have a small amount of impact on the Internet.

Housewives and children

There are currently over 6.5 million housewives with kids in the UK. Although there is an obvious cross-over between women 16-34 and ABC1 women, there are also some key points of differentiation.Firstly, housewives with kids are incredibly media-savvy and exposed to host of different formats and messages per day. 36 per cent of this audience cite TV viewing as their favourite TV pastime and as a result, over 80 per cent have access to digital, well above the national average. This partially reflect the effect of having children in the household (digital take-up is higher amongst young families) but is also indicative of their love of TV as a whole, not only during family time, but as valuable 'me time' away from the kids. Commercial channels are particularly well-received and account for two thirds of their viewing. ITV 2, Living TV, UKTV Style, E4 and the children's channels such as Nick Junior and Cartoon Network are amongst their favourites.
There is currently 6.5 million housewives with kids within the UK.Housewives with kids play a big role in the increase of views within the media industry as they watch television within the day and also pastime.One of the reason as to why they highly increase the views on television is because they not only watch television when having family time but also when having some alone time.
They have a range of channels in which they enjoy including ITV 2, Living TV and they also watch children's channels such as Cartoon network.They also have a lot of interest in soaps such as EastEnders and also like drama and other entertaining programs including the X-Factor.However they do not like programs based on religion,sport and politics.Despite not having much of an impact they also read newspapers and magazines in which they have high impact on especially those with gossip for example Heat!.

Children have a high rate of impact in the media industry as they have a big interest in technology in which causes this.Children's interest in television programs vary however as they like from music channels,sport and film in which they highly increase the viewing ratings.

In terms of the actual programs the things they watch vary depending on what gender they are.However in most homes most seem to watch programs such as EastEnders and The Simpsons.Besides television 72% of children say they listen to the radio with both preferring radio 1 and kiss the most.However boys also have interest in listening to radio channels with sport.Along with high impact within these form of media they also like magazines and books along with using the Internet as they use it for gaming,information and other entertainment purposes

Boys and TV

Boys have a higher consumption of television viewing through digital channels as they watch channels such as BBC and Channel 5 etc.However sky one is the most watched channel by boys especially those aged between 13-14 years old.Boys also like Music and kids channels as they like cartoons on channels like Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network.As boys get into their teens they have more interest in music and sports.

Girls and TV
At a younger stage girls do not watch a particularly high amount of television despite this changing as they grow older since they switch to having interest in a wide range of things such as soaps and reality shows.Most have digital channel access and like to watch channels such as BBC1 and ITV. Girls also like Channel 4 as this has programs in which they have interest in including Hollyoaks and Big Brother. ITV2 however is the most liked channel by girls especially those aged between 15-16 years of age.Girls also have other options in which they consider such as music,movies,news and documentaries.Lastly they also like dramas,soaps,comedy and sitcoms.
Primary research

Primary research is the research that is carried out in order to collect data that is non-existent. Primary research is done in different forms as experiments, tests and investigations can be done in order to acquire certain information. As primary research is first hand it does not come from published sources as these are within the category of secondary sources. Therefore primary research gives the researcher information regarding what customers need and also what they need to do in order to succeed within the market. Furthermore as primary research is data that is non-existent the data that the researcher obtains is up to date. Up to date information is important as this means that the researcher is informed of the current preferences of the market along with the new views and opinions.

Types of research: Quantitative data
Quantitative data is data that can be counted as it is identified on a numerical scale. This data is often collected through the use of experiments then statistically analysed. Quantitative data could either be counted or measured and uses surveys to collect large amounts of data. Therefore within the creative media industry the quantitative data will be based on the ratings, web hits etc. Having statistically analysed quantitative data is then represented visually in graphs and other things such as bar charts etc.
Qualitative data
Qualitative data is used to describe certain types of information. Qualitative data is used to characterise the characteristics or properties of a certain thing for example within the creative media industry they will have to look at opinions, attitudes etc. Qualitative research is more in-depth and focuses on getting answers to particular questions and concerns. Therefore the difference between quantitative and qualitative data is the different uses of this data in terms of information and use of number as qualitative data describes and quantitative data defines.

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