Monday 21 January 2013

Advert Seasonality

Throughout the year there is a range of adverts that are put into place according to the months in which they fit in.This may be due to a certain event or the weather or other effects for example the amount of disposable income that people will have.Within this blog I will indicate the reason as to why certain adverts are shown in certain months and why some advertisements will cost more to show to the audience.Lastly I will also analyse some adverts.

What sort of adverts do we see at certain time of the year?

Within this blog I am going to state the different adverts in which are advertised throughout the year and why they are advertised at that certain time of the year.Therefore my main focus is going to be on the adverts and the months in which they are advertised.

During the year there are months in which adverts get high views as opposed to the other months of the year.The months in which viewing figures will be the highest are the months coming up to Christmas but mainly December as people will be celebrating the festive season.

People also have different time spans in which they have when watching television and this is also impacted by the season and weather.For example, in winter people mainly watch television for 2 hours and 2 minutes according to statistics.

However due to different occurrences people may also be unable to watch television or not have interest in it.This main reason behind this is because people will be enjoying the weather outside in July and August.Therefore as it will be summer people will be spending most of their time outside.

The following is the transitions of the advertisement industry:

Seasonal events
Product advertised
Holiday bookings
Chocolates and other gifts
Bank holiday
Alcohol and adverts
Summer clothing
Clothing, drinks, ice cream etc.
Winter clothing
School clothing and equipment
Christmas and Sales
Food products and products on sale (mainly clothing)

Advertisements Examples:


This is an Ikea advert in which there is two characters (couple) looking for each other but are unable to due to things cluttered everywhere.However as the advert proceeds they find a solution as they start find storage space to place the cluttered items therefore conveying that Ikea can provide good storage and furniture for its customers.The advert is a narrative as it shows us the story on how the couple faces trouble to see each other then finally find a solution in which enables them to meet again. Music is a big part of this advert as the characters sing throughout the advert to convey the main message of the advert in which it they start by singing on the reason why they are not living together in which is further solved at the end of the advert due to Ikea.

  • Dark colours
  • Light illuminating
  • Casual Clothing
  • Non-diegetic (Music)
  • Diegetic (Voices)
  • Storage
  • Furniture
Camera shots
  • Medium shots
  • Close-up shots
Target audience
  • People aged between 18 to 50

John Lewis advert

The advert I am going to analyse is the John Lewis new year new start advert.This advert is a good example of distinct change from something negative to positive as John Lewis tries to put across the good change in which its products will make in one's life.The advert is a realist as it shows a normal character seeking for his old belongings only to realise they do not function as well as they used to hence why he seeks John Lewis therefore showing the advance in the things that John Lewis has.There are a range of strategies used in this advertisement as it effectively uses music in order to engage with the audience's emotion due to the low volume start in which increases gradually in order to show the change in the from sadness to happiness that is conveyed by the character therefore also having an effect on the audience.Overall this advert is effective in conveying the message it aims to put across as it uses emotional connection and a range of other techniques.The advert also has a good concept.

  • Sunny and Bright afternoon
  • Non-diegetic (Music)
  • Diegetic (Voices)
  • Sportswear
Camera shots
  • Medium shots
  • Close-up shots
 Target audience
  •  Runners, Athletes etc

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