Monday 20 May 2013

Advert Evaluation

Within the process of making our advertisement we effectively worked as a team which was important as this made us more efficient and helped us in meeting the deadlines in which we had. An example of how we worked as a team is the way in which we delegated tasks in which required fulfilment hence why we had roles such as camera men, actors, editors etc.

Within our group other uses of teamwork was our sharing of ideas therefore helping us in making the decisions that were required in order to make a good advert. We also motivated each other in the roles that we assigned each and also gave each other support in order to make the tasks more efficient. Along with that we were also aware of what we were doing individually and we had frequent discussions in order to see what were doing wrong and how we could fix it. As we had discussions this helped us in identifying potential problems in which we could have faced.

Looking at some of the problems in which we faced within the production of our advert there were a range that we faced. Firstly we had a problem with the first camera in which we used but we found a solution as we used another camera. Furthermore we also had problems with the overall production of our video as our first idea was not successful hence why we had to do a new advert that would fulfil all the requirements in which were listed for the advert for example having to aim for the target audience of aged between 16-25 years.

During the construction of our advert we used a range of technology as we used software including Photoshop to create our logo and also Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the advert.  For our research we used different websites in which we got information that we inserted into Prezi and our blog entries. Overall I would say that despite having some problems in which we face the team worked well together and we managed to finish all the tasks that were required and as an indication of success of the whole advertisement production process the advert came out as we planned within our storyboard and as we visualized.

On a personal basis I had a range of things in which I had to do as I was the director meaning that I had to overlook all the things that we had to do within our filming session. Therefore I had to ensure that we filmed all the things that were required and I also had to ensure we did what we stated within our storyboard. Along with this responsibility I was also responsible for editting therefore meaning I had to make sure that we had the right sequential order and that all things were in the right state therefore constructing a successful advert.

Looking at the planning that we did we managed to do this effectively as this would have affected our timing in terms of the whole process of filming and editting in which resulted in the advert we made. Therefore we were efficient in all that we had to do despite doing some things at a later date.An improvement that we should have made was ensuring that we did all things that we were required of as we left these tasks even though they were stated in our shcedules.

The advert meets the brief as it specifically has clothing that is aimed at the age range that was propose which is 16-25 year olds. Also we ensured that the clothing will be appealing to this age range and in order to persuade the audience to buy the products we added special effects within our advert which made the overall look of the advert more visually appealing therefore also having an effect on the clothing in which we advertised.

Looking at wheather the advert was effective I would say it is as the people we showed it to had good feedback. Overall they though the advert was at a proffesional level however they only had one bad thing they pointed out which was a scene in which a belt is advertised but cannot be clearly seen therefore meaning that this would be an improvement that should be made to make the whole advert a success.

Through the construction of this advert I have learnt that in order to make an effective and successful advert you should identify your audience through market research. Furthermore you should find out what the audience would require. In addition to this when making the actual advert beforehand a plan should be made as this will help in organisation and analysis should be made in terms of the storyboard to see whether the ideas inserted will make an advert in which will be successful.

Monday 13 May 2013


In order to fulfil the purpose of our advert which is to advertise the clothing in order for purchase from the target audience we have decided to add price tags to the clothing in which we are advertising. We have also included details of our company in terms of social networking sites information and lastly we also inserted our logo within the advert.

Monday 6 May 2013


Within this lesson we have started to input the rest of the footage from the garden and the staircase scene. In order to make the advert more interesting we have also added some special effects and we have thought another soundtrack as the one we had before was not suitable therefore we have decided to use Kanye West- Good life.

Monday 22 April 2013


As we have finished our filming in which has been successful we have started to do editing in which is indicating success. For editing we have started to do the motor museum scenes. We also did some filming to show a character walking with a Nike bag as an extra scene. Lastly we also added a soundtrack to our advert (Kendrick Lamar- The recipe)

Monday 15 April 2013


Within this lesson we started to film another scene in a garden in which shows the two characters of the advert shuffling around. Along with that we also filmed a scene on some stairs in which shows the characters doing still shots therefore clearly showing the clothing they are wearing. Lastly we allocated work that had to be done in terms of improvement of our planning therefore meaning that we can be more organised.

Monday 18 March 2013


The first scene will be based on the motor museum stairs in which the advertisement will be established.
 For the first scene this is going to show the character moving from one position to another in a still shot in which will make him seem like he is disappearing and reappearing on another spot.
The next scene shows two characters in which one will go down the stairs bar and join the other.

 After doing the scene on the stairs the advertisement will go on to show the character in a garden just doing different poses.
Within the Garden the two characters will also do a catwalk to show different angles of their clothing.

 Another scene will also show a character walking therefore clearly showing what they are wearing which is relevant as the advert is based on clothing.


Within this lesson we started filming and went to motor museum to do a few scenes. This filming session was very productive as we managed to film scenes of the character shuffling around the motor museum spiral.

However despite being successful in this we also decided on doing some scenes of free running again in which we wanted to add but the scenes did not go with our advert concept. In order to cover for these scenes that did not match with the rest of the advert we have decided to do other scenes within the next lesson.


Advert Description:

Within the advert we will try to gain interest from our target audience by use of different techniques. Firstly we will use music that is lively and well known by people aged 16-25 years meaning that this alone will make the audience persuaded to watch it. The advert will be based in different locations therefore meaning that the audience do not get bored. Along with this the scenes will have different types of shorts and angles in which we will use to make it more interesting. The Advert will be linear meaning that the scenes will be showed in a sequence that will start from the beginning to the end.

Misc. En Scene

Within this I am going to state what the camera will be seeing. Therefore I am going to look at all the different aspects of our advert meaning that I will look at the characters and the way they will be portrayed.

Clothing/make up

Firstly the clothing is a very important part of the advert as this is the representation of the environment that the characters will be in. Therefore the advert will be based in different environments such as the motor museum and a garden. The characters will be wearing formal clothing or casual due to this being the form of clothing in which we would like to convey to our target audience. In terms of make-up this will not be required as the characters will be trying to interpret a natural look in which will therefore go with the advert overall all as it is meant to be simple and straight forward however also interesting at the same time.


The locations that will be used within the advert will be firstly Cox Street in which a character will be shown walking along the pathway however mainly focusing on his clothing and his bag in which is the main aim of this advertisement. Another location will be the motor museum along with a garden.


The props that will be required will be:

  • Costumes (casual clothing: e.g. t-shirts, jeans, shirts etc.)
  • Bags


As the main aim for this Advert will be making it come out as a natural image no lighting will be used therefore the film will be filmed during the day as it will also make sense due to  our objective in making indication of the characters clear.

Actor movement/expressions

This will be a slow paced advert and also looking at the expressions there will be a range of expressions used in order to show the emotions of the characters depending on what will be occurring. Therefore as an example when someone is posing within the advert they will have to interpret their emotion through their expressions (e.g. by smiling or having a straight face).

The video type will be linear as this will be based on a storyline. However it will be non-linear meaning that the events will not be in a sequential order. The overall look and feel in which the short film will be aiming to make the audience get will be different reactions as there will be a range of events in which will be shocking and there will also be some funny scenes and in terms of the overall look the short film will have to look like an actual normal school environment and the scenes will have to look natural meaning that it should not look like the characters are acting but actually carrying out their daily lives.
Camera shots
The camera shots within this advert will be very important as one of the important things will be trying to show expressions and the feelings of the characters. However consideration of introduction to the environment will also be implemented as the audience will have to be made aware of where the characters will be and what they will be doing therefore meaning that they are aware of all the things that will be occurring. In order to fulfil this use of long and close up shots will be important overall along with other shots.
The purpose of the advert will be mainly to convey all the clothing in which we advertise in the correct manner that will interest the audience. Therefore audience engagement will be very important meaning that we should include different types of shorts and we should also ensure that things such as the length of the advert are not too long.

Risk assessment



Cox Street

Cars, bikes and Props

Motor Museum

Falling off building


Animals, runners and dropped objects (e.g. bottles)
Crew list



Kashif Naseer

Actor and Editing

Munashe Mukandi

Actor, director and Editing

Curtis Fletcher

Camera work

Haris Umair

Camera work
  Character Profiles

Name: Munashe Mukandi 
Age: 18  
Advertisement Experience: Some

Occupation: Media Student         


Name: Kashif Naseer
Age: 18

Advertising experience: Some
Occupation: Media Student                                                                 



Equipment/ other






Editing software

£ 650

Stationary (for planning)



£50 for each actor

Friday 15 March 2013


Within this lesson we have discussed further as to what we can do for our advert and we have decided on using more things of the actual concept of shuffling meaning different movement within the advert that signify shuffling. Furthermore we have decided to simplify the advert and make it straight forward meaning that the audience stay engaged in the whole advert therefore meaning that they see all the details stated etc.

Tuesday 5 March 2013


Today we did further editing for our advert but the scenes of the advert do not match up to what we imagined within our storyboard. Therefore this advert will not be a success hence why we have decided on starting another advert with a whole new concept as the concept that we had would not have been applicable according to what is required.

Monday 4 March 2013


Within this lesson we decided that we would do some free running scenes for our advert with two people shuffling around.  We also did some scenes of two character playing football as this was one of our props for our advert. However we did not do the bike and the skateboard scene as we did not have these props. Overall looking at the footage we got the scenes did not come out as we wanted them to therefore we will have to see if we have to film them again or find other solutions.


Within this lesson we started to do some scenes for our advertisement whilst focusing on our company name shuffle therefore inputting this within the advert. We also looked at other ideas that we had and ensured that they were within the advert. We also discussed all the different aspects of the advert we would like to include and what would be the important things to carry out in order to ensure that the whole process would be a success. In order to start making progress with our 5 minute advert we started editing the car scene. However there is indication of some problems as the scenes are blurry due to problems with the camera. Therefore the solution is to film the scene again however looking at the advert it does not convey the brand that will attract the target audience in which we are going to aim for. Therefore we have decided to discuss this within the next lesson.


Within this lesson we had a filming session in which we filmed different scenes. However despite having some footage that would be useful most of the things in which we filmed would not be relevant hence why we also discussed while filming the different things that we can do to improve our filming therefore giving us time to reflect and make improvements that would make our filming process effective and efficient.


Within this lesson we effectively discussed and planned as to what we wanted to start filming for our advert. As we discussed we decided to start with doing a car scene as our advert will be based on different scenes with the characters having different props.

Monday 21 January 2013

Advertisement Planning

Brief: Fashion chain that is aimed at 16-23 year olds in which sells clothing that is similar to bank.
Assignment: Create a one minute advert aimed at what is stated within the brief.


Researching current stores/brands (look at their adverts) and see techniques used
Mind man ideas
Mood board
Word board
Pre-production Storyboarding

Research (fashion Chains)


Camera shots and angles
There are a range of shots used in this advert as it shows close up, mid shots and mainly wide shots in order to show the large amount of people within the advert.
The main shot which is the wide shot is an important part of the way the advert is conveyed as it is mainly based around the idea of the supremacy that H&M clothing will give men and also the attention women will get which is widely shown through this.
Linear/Non linear
The advert is linear and very straightforward as it shows some girls giving one guy the attention in which they receive back due to the H&M clothing they are wearing.
As this is not based on a storyline this just delivers the message behind the advert and makes the clothing the centre of attention and the advert also shows how the clothing will be projected to others.
The sound in the adverts are diegetic sound as it only has some music.
This supports the excitement in which the advert is trying to show and the happiness the clothes will bring to one's life etc.
This advert is a realist as it shows the female characters showing their clothing along with the male and the affection they have for each other due to the clothes making them attractive.
The structure of the advert is well made as it makes the clothes the main focus.

My proposal for our company name is shuffle as this would mean change in the direction that people take within the clothing.This will all be stated within our Logo as we would design it to suit what we will represent.The following will be our Logo:

Therefore looking at this logo this will inspire people to take a different path and approach to the way they see fashion. The target audience will be people interested in urban clothing therefore fitting with the working brief of aiming at people aged between 16-23 as they are highly in clothing within this category.

New Logo
Having put all aspects of our old logo into consideration this conveyed the apple brand as the shuffle sign in which we had put in the logo was based on apple. Therefore we made this more innovative in order to ensure that our brand is unique. Also as it is clearly distinctive from others this means that there would be more brand awareness.  As the target audience are also of a younger age this logo is also suitable and something that would be appealing to an audience of 16-25 years.

Mood board:


Wood board




In this lesson we started to establish the different names that we may potentially use for our advertisement. However everyone had different names in mind as the following were mentioned:

·         Notorious

·         Swerve

·         Lead

·         Swag

However despite having these different names we will deliberate and potentially come up with new names in order to create the  name that will best suit our clothing line in which we will advertise therefore making our advertisement brand more strong.

5 Minute advert First Idea planning


We have decided to base our advert on the following props:




Therefore these will be the props however we will be basing our advert on the characters as the aim of the advert is to show the clothing. Therefore the combination of the two will make the advert more interesting and help in making the advert not just focused on one thing but different aspects. The adverts will be within different locations and will show the characters using their props then a still shot of them at the end to show their clothing in full.

Misc. En Scene



For our location for the advert we will have a car scene in which will have the character driving the car into a driveway. After this the character will the exit the car and do a still shot to show their clothing.

The other scene we will be having for the skateboard scene will be a skate park. Lastly the bike scene will be outside the school on Cox Street and the football scene in school at the Astroturf.
All the scenes within the advert will be based outside therefore there will be no requirement for lighting. However in order to improve the graphics and the overall look of the advert when editing we will ensure that things such as brightness and the colour saturation is at the right level and if not the case we will adjust this.
This will be a linear advert meaning that it will have a continuous indication of events. Therefore all the things that will be shown in the advert for each scene will be shown in order. The overall look and feel in which the advert will be aimed to convey will be a sense of excitement and energy. However in terms of the clothing we will be aiming to show a new look that is appealing to the target audience.
The purpose of this advert will be to clearly indicate the clothing in which Shuffle sales. However another aim will be to ensure that the advert will be interesting which will gain the attention of the target audience hence why we used the idea of having props.
Risk assessment
Cox Street
Cars, bikes and Props
Running students
Skate park
Skateboarders and Bikes

Advert roles
Kashif Naseer
Actor and editor
Munashe Mukandi
Actor, editor and director
Curtis Fletcher
Actor and Camera man
Haris Umair
Actor and Camera man