Monday 20 May 2013

Advert Evaluation

Within the process of making our advertisement we effectively worked as a team which was important as this made us more efficient and helped us in meeting the deadlines in which we had. An example of how we worked as a team is the way in which we delegated tasks in which required fulfilment hence why we had roles such as camera men, actors, editors etc.

Within our group other uses of teamwork was our sharing of ideas therefore helping us in making the decisions that were required in order to make a good advert. We also motivated each other in the roles that we assigned each and also gave each other support in order to make the tasks more efficient. Along with that we were also aware of what we were doing individually and we had frequent discussions in order to see what were doing wrong and how we could fix it. As we had discussions this helped us in identifying potential problems in which we could have faced.

Looking at some of the problems in which we faced within the production of our advert there were a range that we faced. Firstly we had a problem with the first camera in which we used but we found a solution as we used another camera. Furthermore we also had problems with the overall production of our video as our first idea was not successful hence why we had to do a new advert that would fulfil all the requirements in which were listed for the advert for example having to aim for the target audience of aged between 16-25 years.

During the construction of our advert we used a range of technology as we used software including Photoshop to create our logo and also Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the advert.  For our research we used different websites in which we got information that we inserted into Prezi and our blog entries. Overall I would say that despite having some problems in which we face the team worked well together and we managed to finish all the tasks that were required and as an indication of success of the whole advertisement production process the advert came out as we planned within our storyboard and as we visualized.

On a personal basis I had a range of things in which I had to do as I was the director meaning that I had to overlook all the things that we had to do within our filming session. Therefore I had to ensure that we filmed all the things that were required and I also had to ensure we did what we stated within our storyboard. Along with this responsibility I was also responsible for editting therefore meaning I had to make sure that we had the right sequential order and that all things were in the right state therefore constructing a successful advert.

Looking at the planning that we did we managed to do this effectively as this would have affected our timing in terms of the whole process of filming and editting in which resulted in the advert we made. Therefore we were efficient in all that we had to do despite doing some things at a later date.An improvement that we should have made was ensuring that we did all things that we were required of as we left these tasks even though they were stated in our shcedules.

The advert meets the brief as it specifically has clothing that is aimed at the age range that was propose which is 16-25 year olds. Also we ensured that the clothing will be appealing to this age range and in order to persuade the audience to buy the products we added special effects within our advert which made the overall look of the advert more visually appealing therefore also having an effect on the clothing in which we advertised.

Looking at wheather the advert was effective I would say it is as the people we showed it to had good feedback. Overall they though the advert was at a proffesional level however they only had one bad thing they pointed out which was a scene in which a belt is advertised but cannot be clearly seen therefore meaning that this would be an improvement that should be made to make the whole advert a success.

Through the construction of this advert I have learnt that in order to make an effective and successful advert you should identify your audience through market research. Furthermore you should find out what the audience would require. In addition to this when making the actual advert beforehand a plan should be made as this will help in organisation and analysis should be made in terms of the storyboard to see whether the ideas inserted will make an advert in which will be successful.

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