Monday 18 March 2013


Advert Description:

Within the advert we will try to gain interest from our target audience by use of different techniques. Firstly we will use music that is lively and well known by people aged 16-25 years meaning that this alone will make the audience persuaded to watch it. The advert will be based in different locations therefore meaning that the audience do not get bored. Along with this the scenes will have different types of shorts and angles in which we will use to make it more interesting. The Advert will be linear meaning that the scenes will be showed in a sequence that will start from the beginning to the end.

Misc. En Scene

Within this I am going to state what the camera will be seeing. Therefore I am going to look at all the different aspects of our advert meaning that I will look at the characters and the way they will be portrayed.

Clothing/make up

Firstly the clothing is a very important part of the advert as this is the representation of the environment that the characters will be in. Therefore the advert will be based in different environments such as the motor museum and a garden. The characters will be wearing formal clothing or casual due to this being the form of clothing in which we would like to convey to our target audience. In terms of make-up this will not be required as the characters will be trying to interpret a natural look in which will therefore go with the advert overall all as it is meant to be simple and straight forward however also interesting at the same time.


The locations that will be used within the advert will be firstly Cox Street in which a character will be shown walking along the pathway however mainly focusing on his clothing and his bag in which is the main aim of this advertisement. Another location will be the motor museum along with a garden.


The props that will be required will be:

  • Costumes (casual clothing: e.g. t-shirts, jeans, shirts etc.)
  • Bags


As the main aim for this Advert will be making it come out as a natural image no lighting will be used therefore the film will be filmed during the day as it will also make sense due to  our objective in making indication of the characters clear.

Actor movement/expressions

This will be a slow paced advert and also looking at the expressions there will be a range of expressions used in order to show the emotions of the characters depending on what will be occurring. Therefore as an example when someone is posing within the advert they will have to interpret their emotion through their expressions (e.g. by smiling or having a straight face).

The video type will be linear as this will be based on a storyline. However it will be non-linear meaning that the events will not be in a sequential order. The overall look and feel in which the short film will be aiming to make the audience get will be different reactions as there will be a range of events in which will be shocking and there will also be some funny scenes and in terms of the overall look the short film will have to look like an actual normal school environment and the scenes will have to look natural meaning that it should not look like the characters are acting but actually carrying out their daily lives.
Camera shots
The camera shots within this advert will be very important as one of the important things will be trying to show expressions and the feelings of the characters. However consideration of introduction to the environment will also be implemented as the audience will have to be made aware of where the characters will be and what they will be doing therefore meaning that they are aware of all the things that will be occurring. In order to fulfil this use of long and close up shots will be important overall along with other shots.
The purpose of the advert will be mainly to convey all the clothing in which we advertise in the correct manner that will interest the audience. Therefore audience engagement will be very important meaning that we should include different types of shorts and we should also ensure that things such as the length of the advert are not too long.

Risk assessment



Cox Street

Cars, bikes and Props

Motor Museum

Falling off building


Animals, runners and dropped objects (e.g. bottles)
Crew list



Kashif Naseer

Actor and Editing

Munashe Mukandi

Actor, director and Editing

Curtis Fletcher

Camera work

Haris Umair

Camera work
  Character Profiles

Name: Munashe Mukandi 
Age: 18  
Advertisement Experience: Some

Occupation: Media Student         


Name: Kashif Naseer
Age: 18

Advertising experience: Some
Occupation: Media Student                                                                 



Equipment/ other






Editing software

£ 650

Stationary (for planning)



£50 for each actor

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