Monday 19 November 2012

Nike golf advert analysis

Camera shots and angles
The advert uses a range of camera shots as it aims to focus on different things for example at the start a wide short is used to show the two character which is followed by a close up shot on the golf balls they hit.
The different shots are used to show all the activity that is occurring as the characters play golf.
Linear/Non linear
The advert has a linear structure as it shows a gradual increase the characters are trying to enforce as they compete against each other in which leads to the ending scene as Tiger Woods beats Rorry Mcllroy by doing a trick in which he is unaware as to how it functions.
The advert’s use of linear is an effective way to convey the storyline and build up the anxiety as to who will eventually beat the other in the golf competition. This also helps in building up to the funny scene at the end.
The main sounds are from the golf and also diegetic sound in the form of trumpets.
The sound adds excitement in which the advert aims to do in order to show golf as a interesting game therefore influencing customers to purchase Nike golf equipment.
The structure is well constructed as the advert shows an exciting match of golf in which is followed by comedy to make the main impact and make audience remember.
The structure of the advert makes an effective message as it conveys the humour well therefore making the advertisement memorable to audiences.

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