Sunday 18 November 2012

Characteristics of advertising

USP (Unique selling point)

This is a reason that is stated by the business in order to differentiate it from other businesses and define the product and services that it offers in order to convince people why they should prefer that brand as opposed to others.Therefore this is a promotional theme as it is a component of advertisement.


A slogan is a phrase in which is also built up as part of an advertising campaign with a logo or a brand.Therefore a slogan helps in making the business more memorable and informing the target market of what it aims to accomplish.

Lloyds tsb

The lloyds tsb advert is a persuasive advert as it shows a range of people and families in the form of animation travelling in which expresses the slogan "For the journey".The advert also uses non-diegetic sound in the form of a voice over in order to define what the product being advertised is.The advert also has music and the voice over is done in a persuasive manner.


The skoda advert is non realistic as it shows machine made man making the car and it uses non-diegetic sound as it has rock music.Along with the advert the rock music symbolises power in terms of the product.The advert also has energy,action and special effects to draw the audience in.

Brand Identity

This is what the product is,what the business believes and what it does.Therefore this is the connection that the business makes with its target audience.The brand is also a visual representation of a certain company or a product.


A logo is imagery that is used to define a product in order for the customers to realise the brand.A logo also shows the position of a certain business in the market that it is in.Therefore when a business has a strong brand the logo being part of this the logo then attracts customers when they see products made by the business.Overall the logo defines what the business does

Denotations and Connotation

Denotation is what the certain thing is therefore this is used in order to understand the subject in detail and connotation is what it symbolises therefore this is the emotional or personal feeling in which the word has. Overall shape,colour,font are what define connotation.


KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken. The company was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders hence why he has always been a part of the KFC logo. Within the early years his face is serious however as we look at the Logo now his face is more friendly due to the smile that reflects this. The colour red also makes the logo lively and also helps in making the text stand out within the logo today as the text is included.The red colour also helps in making the text more bold.The KFC logo uses a slight modified version of the Friz Quadrata typeface.Overall the logo therefore promotes the business and creates a strong brand for the business as its products also have the colour red.                

Coca Cola


Frank Mason Robinson created the Coca-Cola logo in 1885 and has many things in which it signifies despite not showing as firstly the well designed text in the form of swirls shows enthusiasm and energy in which the business aims to represent.The text also shows elegant and the red colour stands out as opposed to the black as this is dull.Lastly the text is fancy and the C's stand out therefore increasing the chance of people remembering the business.


 The amazon logo has also continuously changed however the aim is still represented within the logo showing that the business sells products from A to Z.The smile beneath the word amazon shows the smile in which customers will have after buying the products that they find on the site.The colour black shows that the business stands out as the orange shows pride and happiness.


 The Intel logo has had some changes and the new logo is now futuristic in which reflects a good image due to what the company does.The blue used within the logo shows that the business has power over the minds of its target audience.The logo fulfils the strategy of making the logo simpler but powerful as this is projected in the bold text.

Pantene Pro-V


The use of a bold font with the jumping cat (tiger) on one side makes an good image for the business as this shows that the business will strive and move forward in order to improve its product.The logo also signifies the willingness of doing a challenge and being courageous.Due to the jumping tiger this also shows power and energy in which is also further supported by the bold font.


Firstly the speech mark in the Vodafone logo symbolises conversation.As opposed to the old logo the new logo stands out due to the red and the change in the logo shows the growth in the business as the old one is simple.

The Tesco logo uses a combination of red and white for its colours in which are the basic colours on the British flag therefore enforcing that the business is British.Overall the colours and the bold text show that the business stands out and uses simple effective methods. 

 Adverts and brands

Iphone 5 advert -Physics

Despite the apple advert not starting with showing the logo and the company this is a good example of a advert that successfully advertises and makes its brand stronger from this action as the advert starts by creating an image of the company and its product that a potential customer can identify as the business is known for creating adverts with this manner.However for those who don't identify the business at the start this draws them in and despite the topic of physics being something some people hate this draws the audience in to see where the advert leads and the message it aims to put across.

The voice over used synchronises well with the advert as it is calming and of class therefore drawing the business class audience in the advert.Due to the voice used being of a younger male this also further draws in teens and overall the voice over effectively reaches a wider range of audience and informs the audience of the things occurring in the advert and sums what the product represents.

This theme of  being different is enforced at the end of the advert as all footage is stopped and replaced with in white screen. The use of  white footage conveys impressions of greatness as it provides a strong contrast with the text apple and the logo in which are black . This is also shows that apple is different and also stands out from other brands.

Microsoft surface advert

The new Microsoft advert does not represent a strong brand despite the effort of inserting music and dance in which highly attract the audience.However the advert results in entertainment but it does not inform the audience fully what the product does therefore making the brand weak.Furthermore due to the bad introduction the word surface at the end does not fully justify what the product is about despite the advert having instructing the audience to find out more on the site in which most audience will not do.

Overall the advert does not fully inform the audience what the product is and what the business' aim is in producing the product.Furthermore the dancing does not actually link with the advert as no explanation of the brand is mentioned through voice over or other methods.

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