Sunday 4 November 2012

Joful and Persuasive content


I am going to identify whether joyful content in television advertising is more effective than persuasive advertising techniques.

Joyful adverts examples:

Go compare advert

The go compare advert is a good example of a joyful advert despite it having a character who is interpreted in a annoying way as he sings which is however used effectively as Stuart Pearce Kicks Ball At Gio Compario (character.Therefore as the advert has that scene with a well known celebrity that fulfils the use of joyful content in the advert as this will likely make the target audience laugh and further gain interest in the advert.

Mcdonalds Advert 

The Mcdonalds advert is another good example of use of joyful content as it shows a character first hectic day at his new job but in a funny way as he continues dropping things and doing things wrong.Furthermore the advert also has funny quotes therefore overall creating a joyful advert that will make the audience it targets laugh.

Persuasive adverts examples:

Weight watchers advert

The weight watcher adverts is good example of  persuasive use within an advert as it firstly uses a celebrity endorsement (Jennifer Hudson).Secondly the advert also uses the use of a testimony in terms of how weight watchers works.Thirdly the advert uses a form of words in which are likely to stay within the target audience's mind and lastly use of facts is fulfilled.

Colgate advert

Firstly looking at the Colgate advert it uses facts and testimonials effectively as people are interviewed within a shopping centre in which have used the product.The advert shows an experiment of the people providing the testimonies therefore meaning that they further prove what they are saying therefore meaning that the facts mentioned in the advert is expressed and actually shown to prove that the product works.Therefore overall the advert shows a range of facts and also uses things such as close up shoots to show the expressions of the people's faces during the experiment and during the interview therefore allowing the audience to see their body language.The advert also uses the shock factor as one of its strategies through firstly listing the problems that you may face with your gums then further showing the solution.

 Cadburys Caramel

Old school advert with the voice of Marylin Monroe (intertexuality -film 'some like it hot').Pitch and tone is used effectively.Persuasive techniques are also used as the product is described.Internation meaning the projection of the voice is also done well as Marylin Manroe's voice reflects on what she is talking about and expresses what is occurring in the advert.The advert is based on animation therefore aiming more at children despite also appealing to adults.The advert also uses music as a way to maintain the joyful mood in which the audience have  along with this due to this use of Marlyin Manroe this means that the recognition of her voice occurs when audience see the advert therefore making the advert more memorable.

Cadbury's Gorilla advert

The Cadbury's gorilla advert is an example of a joyful advert as it uses a character of a gorilla playing drums to a well know Phil Collins song in the air tonight therefore making it joyful due to it being unrealistic in the sense of the gorilla plating the drums.Therefore the advert uses music effectively which is one fact as to why it is classified as a joyful advert as it is also creatively made with imagination and awareness.The aim of the advert is to make people smile therefore meaning an increase in the Cadburys brand which is important along with the market.In order to effectively convey the advert it uses comfort and then followed by use of the concept of fame and love.The advert was also aimed to give people the same feeling of joy they get when they eat dairy milk chocolate.Due to planning,good construction and different techniques used the advert became a success having the highest advert views on Youtube,over 70 Facebook pages etc.

Consumer reaction

Consumer reaction is very important as the consumers are the cause of brand awareness to others through the word of speech.Therefore in order for the researcher to be informed of how to cause a good reaction in terms of the consumers quantitative and qualitative data has to be undertaken meaning that they have good detailed information on this and further information in the form of numbers (quantitative data) which further requires analysis in graphs etc.Therefore when making an advert the business should ensure that the consumers have an engagement with the brand


Advertising can be done through the use of different sources such as posters,newspapers etc.Furthermore giving the advert a film realise through the use of these sources and making the character more well known means that the target audience will likely gain interest and this will also create excitement and curiosity.Therefore the aims of adverts is to cause controversy and make the audience use social media meaning that they are likely to act upon what they talk about.Another basis of adverts is the term that the audience purchase a products due to emotional attachment.

Overall persuasive techniques within advertisements works effectively as this convinces the audience to purchase the products in some occasions.However joyful adverts have more impact as this causes controversy meaning that more advertisement is done through media such as newspaper and social sites as people talk about the product.Lastly to summarise joyful adverts they contain funny and interesting scenes in which engage the consumer.

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