Monday 10 December 2012

Purpose of Advertising

Can advertisers say whatever they want?


Within this blog I will be looking at the reason behind why advertisements are made and the regulations regarding this industry.Therefore I will make analysis of the reasons behind why advertisements are made therefore giving me an insight on how effective the methods of communication through advertising are .

What is the point of advertising?

Draws attention

Firstly the most important purpose of advertising is the attention that it draws to a product or a service as this means that the target audience are made more aware of what the products and services of the business are.Through this the brand of the business is also strengthened as the business can outline whether the product or service is efficient or if the product is powerful strong etc.
Furthermore looking at the attention that is drawn by advertising this also means that the business gets a new set of audience as this means that the people who will be made aware will talk about the product or service through the word of mouth or through other uses of sources such as social media therefore meaning that the business gets free advertisement in which will have a longer effect and get to a wide range of people.

Secondly advertising helps the business get a profit as this an advertisement gives the business the opportunity to persuade old and potential customers why they should purchase the product or service that it offers.Therefore advertisement give customers that push to actually purchase the product therefore increasing the profits that the business gets,Furthermore advertising means that customers who are pleased with the product spread the news meaning an increase in the customers that people get.

Employment opportunities
Thirdly the advertisement industry provides opportunities as an amount of 20,000 people are employed within this sector.This is very important as this means that the advertising industry gets an improvement due to recruitment of employees who will provide something new.Furthermore as more people are employees are employed this means that the advertising industry advances and work is likely to be done more efficiently therefore meaning that operations go well.

Informs consumers of new products

Also the advertising industry keeps consumers up to date with new developments which is very important as this means that the products that are advertised receive more sales.Furthermore this means that due to this advertising industry receives more income.

Increases competition between businesses
Lastly advertising helps promote and stimulate competition as rivals have to ensure that they have a good advert that will compete with those that will be showed within that time and as one advertisement succeeds this means the need of another advertisement for other companies meaning a cycle that continues to promote the industry.

Can advertisers say whatever they want?

Ideology- This is the way in which a specific group of people think.Therefore the way of thinking of one person will differ from the other as they will have different opinions on that topic that will be raised.

Advertising Cigarette

  • Claims Cigarettes are good for you
  • For the upper class
  • Helps you to relax
  • Gives you happiness
  • Helps you in socialising
Looking at whether this could be done today this is not allowed to be enforced as there is legislation regarding the laws of he health and safety.Therefore as cigarettes are not good for you nor for the upper class the advertisement industry is not allowed to portray this as this will be misleading the audience into having this way of thinking.

Advertising Maltessers


  • Maltessers make you slim
  • Helps you in terms of your health
  • Make you happy

This cannot also be portrayed today as this is misleading the audience who will watch the advert as they will likely purchase the product if it makes you slim as opposed to other chocolates that are known to add wait due to high calories.This advert can be effective as it clearly sets a female target audience though conveying that Maltessers will make you slim.Therefore this helps in persuading the audience along with the text that is provided in which gives a clear detail of the product.


This stands for the advertising standards authority as this organisation checks adverts in order to check if they are not misleading and provide relevant information in regard to the product.This organisation also ensures that adverts do not discriminate meaning that if the advert may cause conflict it will be highly considered to be banned.

Reflecting onto this organisation's logo improvements can be made namely: Aiming for a wider range of audience for example young people though-

  • Using slang (informal language)
  • More colours
  • Images (this will provide a visual image meaning that the audience are likely to remember the organisation)
  • Using celebrity endorsements
  • Different writing (graffiti)
  • Images related to the organisation
  • Including social networking sites
  • Including contact details
  • Making the logo stand out within advertisements of the organisation.

However referring back to this organisation it has a big impact in the advertising industry as this can stop certain adverts from carrying certain things out.Looking at the statistics in 2011

  • 31,458 advert complaints were handled by the ASA
  • 4,591 adverts required change or had to be banned
  • 94% of complaints were made by the public 
Therefore as people complain to this organisation action is undertaken meaning that the advertisement is analysed and fixed.

Monday 19 November 2012

Nike golf advert analysis

Camera shots and angles
The advert uses a range of camera shots as it aims to focus on different things for example at the start a wide short is used to show the two character which is followed by a close up shot on the golf balls they hit.
The different shots are used to show all the activity that is occurring as the characters play golf.
Linear/Non linear
The advert has a linear structure as it shows a gradual increase the characters are trying to enforce as they compete against each other in which leads to the ending scene as Tiger Woods beats Rorry Mcllroy by doing a trick in which he is unaware as to how it functions.
The advert’s use of linear is an effective way to convey the storyline and build up the anxiety as to who will eventually beat the other in the golf competition. This also helps in building up to the funny scene at the end.
The main sounds are from the golf and also diegetic sound in the form of trumpets.
The sound adds excitement in which the advert aims to do in order to show golf as a interesting game therefore influencing customers to purchase Nike golf equipment.
The structure is well constructed as the advert shows an exciting match of golf in which is followed by comedy to make the main impact and make audience remember.
The structure of the advert makes an effective message as it conveys the humour well therefore making the advertisement memorable to audiences.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Characteristics of advertising

USP (Unique selling point)

This is a reason that is stated by the business in order to differentiate it from other businesses and define the product and services that it offers in order to convince people why they should prefer that brand as opposed to others.Therefore this is a promotional theme as it is a component of advertisement.


A slogan is a phrase in which is also built up as part of an advertising campaign with a logo or a brand.Therefore a slogan helps in making the business more memorable and informing the target market of what it aims to accomplish.

Lloyds tsb

The lloyds tsb advert is a persuasive advert as it shows a range of people and families in the form of animation travelling in which expresses the slogan "For the journey".The advert also uses non-diegetic sound in the form of a voice over in order to define what the product being advertised is.The advert also has music and the voice over is done in a persuasive manner.


The skoda advert is non realistic as it shows machine made man making the car and it uses non-diegetic sound as it has rock music.Along with the advert the rock music symbolises power in terms of the product.The advert also has energy,action and special effects to draw the audience in.

Brand Identity

This is what the product is,what the business believes and what it does.Therefore this is the connection that the business makes with its target audience.The brand is also a visual representation of a certain company or a product.


A logo is imagery that is used to define a product in order for the customers to realise the brand.A logo also shows the position of a certain business in the market that it is in.Therefore when a business has a strong brand the logo being part of this the logo then attracts customers when they see products made by the business.Overall the logo defines what the business does

Denotations and Connotation

Denotation is what the certain thing is therefore this is used in order to understand the subject in detail and connotation is what it symbolises therefore this is the emotional or personal feeling in which the word has. Overall shape,colour,font are what define connotation.


KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken. The company was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders hence why he has always been a part of the KFC logo. Within the early years his face is serious however as we look at the Logo now his face is more friendly due to the smile that reflects this. The colour red also makes the logo lively and also helps in making the text stand out within the logo today as the text is included.The red colour also helps in making the text more bold.The KFC logo uses a slight modified version of the Friz Quadrata typeface.Overall the logo therefore promotes the business and creates a strong brand for the business as its products also have the colour red.                

Coca Cola


Frank Mason Robinson created the Coca-Cola logo in 1885 and has many things in which it signifies despite not showing as firstly the well designed text in the form of swirls shows enthusiasm and energy in which the business aims to represent.The text also shows elegant and the red colour stands out as opposed to the black as this is dull.Lastly the text is fancy and the C's stand out therefore increasing the chance of people remembering the business.


 The amazon logo has also continuously changed however the aim is still represented within the logo showing that the business sells products from A to Z.The smile beneath the word amazon shows the smile in which customers will have after buying the products that they find on the site.The colour black shows that the business stands out as the orange shows pride and happiness.


 The Intel logo has had some changes and the new logo is now futuristic in which reflects a good image due to what the company does.The blue used within the logo shows that the business has power over the minds of its target audience.The logo fulfils the strategy of making the logo simpler but powerful as this is projected in the bold text.

Pantene Pro-V


The use of a bold font with the jumping cat (tiger) on one side makes an good image for the business as this shows that the business will strive and move forward in order to improve its product.The logo also signifies the willingness of doing a challenge and being courageous.Due to the jumping tiger this also shows power and energy in which is also further supported by the bold font.


Firstly the speech mark in the Vodafone logo symbolises conversation.As opposed to the old logo the new logo stands out due to the red and the change in the logo shows the growth in the business as the old one is simple.

The Tesco logo uses a combination of red and white for its colours in which are the basic colours on the British flag therefore enforcing that the business is British.Overall the colours and the bold text show that the business stands out and uses simple effective methods. 

 Adverts and brands

Iphone 5 advert -Physics

Despite the apple advert not starting with showing the logo and the company this is a good example of a advert that successfully advertises and makes its brand stronger from this action as the advert starts by creating an image of the company and its product that a potential customer can identify as the business is known for creating adverts with this manner.However for those who don't identify the business at the start this draws them in and despite the topic of physics being something some people hate this draws the audience in to see where the advert leads and the message it aims to put across.

The voice over used synchronises well with the advert as it is calming and of class therefore drawing the business class audience in the advert.Due to the voice used being of a younger male this also further draws in teens and overall the voice over effectively reaches a wider range of audience and informs the audience of the things occurring in the advert and sums what the product represents.

This theme of  being different is enforced at the end of the advert as all footage is stopped and replaced with in white screen. The use of  white footage conveys impressions of greatness as it provides a strong contrast with the text apple and the logo in which are black . This is also shows that apple is different and also stands out from other brands.

Microsoft surface advert

The new Microsoft advert does not represent a strong brand despite the effort of inserting music and dance in which highly attract the audience.However the advert results in entertainment but it does not inform the audience fully what the product does therefore making the brand weak.Furthermore due to the bad introduction the word surface at the end does not fully justify what the product is about despite the advert having instructing the audience to find out more on the site in which most audience will not do.

Overall the advert does not fully inform the audience what the product is and what the business' aim is in producing the product.Furthermore the dancing does not actually link with the advert as no explanation of the brand is mentioned through voice over or other methods.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Perfume Lady Million

Joful and Persuasive content


I am going to identify whether joyful content in television advertising is more effective than persuasive advertising techniques.

Joyful adverts examples:

Go compare advert

The go compare advert is a good example of a joyful advert despite it having a character who is interpreted in a annoying way as he sings which is however used effectively as Stuart Pearce Kicks Ball At Gio Compario (character.Therefore as the advert has that scene with a well known celebrity that fulfils the use of joyful content in the advert as this will likely make the target audience laugh and further gain interest in the advert.

Mcdonalds Advert 

The Mcdonalds advert is another good example of use of joyful content as it shows a character first hectic day at his new job but in a funny way as he continues dropping things and doing things wrong.Furthermore the advert also has funny quotes therefore overall creating a joyful advert that will make the audience it targets laugh.

Persuasive adverts examples:

Weight watchers advert

The weight watcher adverts is good example of  persuasive use within an advert as it firstly uses a celebrity endorsement (Jennifer Hudson).Secondly the advert also uses the use of a testimony in terms of how weight watchers works.Thirdly the advert uses a form of words in which are likely to stay within the target audience's mind and lastly use of facts is fulfilled.

Colgate advert

Firstly looking at the Colgate advert it uses facts and testimonials effectively as people are interviewed within a shopping centre in which have used the product.The advert shows an experiment of the people providing the testimonies therefore meaning that they further prove what they are saying therefore meaning that the facts mentioned in the advert is expressed and actually shown to prove that the product works.Therefore overall the advert shows a range of facts and also uses things such as close up shoots to show the expressions of the people's faces during the experiment and during the interview therefore allowing the audience to see their body language.The advert also uses the shock factor as one of its strategies through firstly listing the problems that you may face with your gums then further showing the solution.

 Cadburys Caramel

Old school advert with the voice of Marylin Monroe (intertexuality -film 'some like it hot').Pitch and tone is used effectively.Persuasive techniques are also used as the product is described.Internation meaning the projection of the voice is also done well as Marylin Manroe's voice reflects on what she is talking about and expresses what is occurring in the advert.The advert is based on animation therefore aiming more at children despite also appealing to adults.The advert also uses music as a way to maintain the joyful mood in which the audience have  along with this due to this use of Marlyin Manroe this means that the recognition of her voice occurs when audience see the advert therefore making the advert more memorable.

Cadbury's Gorilla advert

The Cadbury's gorilla advert is an example of a joyful advert as it uses a character of a gorilla playing drums to a well know Phil Collins song in the air tonight therefore making it joyful due to it being unrealistic in the sense of the gorilla plating the drums.Therefore the advert uses music effectively which is one fact as to why it is classified as a joyful advert as it is also creatively made with imagination and awareness.The aim of the advert is to make people smile therefore meaning an increase in the Cadburys brand which is important along with the market.In order to effectively convey the advert it uses comfort and then followed by use of the concept of fame and love.The advert was also aimed to give people the same feeling of joy they get when they eat dairy milk chocolate.Due to planning,good construction and different techniques used the advert became a success having the highest advert views on Youtube,over 70 Facebook pages etc.

Consumer reaction

Consumer reaction is very important as the consumers are the cause of brand awareness to others through the word of speech.Therefore in order for the researcher to be informed of how to cause a good reaction in terms of the consumers quantitative and qualitative data has to be undertaken meaning that they have good detailed information on this and further information in the form of numbers (quantitative data) which further requires analysis in graphs etc.Therefore when making an advert the business should ensure that the consumers have an engagement with the brand


Advertising can be done through the use of different sources such as posters,newspapers etc.Furthermore giving the advert a film realise through the use of these sources and making the character more well known means that the target audience will likely gain interest and this will also create excitement and curiosity.Therefore the aims of adverts is to cause controversy and make the audience use social media meaning that they are likely to act upon what they talk about.Another basis of adverts is the term that the audience purchase a products due to emotional attachment.

Overall persuasive techniques within advertisements works effectively as this convinces the audience to purchase the products in some occasions.However joyful adverts have more impact as this causes controversy meaning that more advertisement is done through media such as newspaper and social sites as people talk about the product.Lastly to summarise joyful adverts they contain funny and interesting scenes in which engage the consumer.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Paco Rabanne

Monday 8 October 2012

Smoking adverts


Within this I am going to make analysis of different smoking adverts and make comparison between them and list the different good and bad that they have.Looking at anti-smoking adverts shows the difference in the structures they use as they are realistic and as a result to see if using a realistic production is effective.

Advert 1

Anti-smoking advert

This advert shows a ill patient explaining the consequences of smoking in which is further shown visually through the state his in.

This advert does not have much activity as the character is terminally ill therefore meaning that they cannot perform much actions.Use of grey colour is used therefore making the advert appear more depressing to smokers and to make emphasis that the advert is serious.Furthermore to make this realistic and show that what the character is saying are facts a standard camera is used therefore increasing the intensity of what he mentions.


The sound is effectively used within the advert as the character's breathing is heavy therefore showing further how the character is ill.Impact of this is made more intense by the voice of the character as he is using a technical voice box in which the patient has to keep pressing which also shows how he is struggling.A voice over is used at the end of the advert as the offer for help is made therefore leaving the target audience with the option to seek for help.

Content signs

As a way to justify the reason as to why smokers should stop smoking the advert shows the consequences and effects in which this actions have in the long run as the character (patient) is shown at a hospital bed with a tube to help with breathing therefore showing the extent of illness.


The NHS helpline hence why the production of the advert is realist to make an emotional connection with those who need help in regard to this situation and to also give them a shock factor of how serious smoking effects can be due to the indication of the character with throat cancer.

Target audience

The target audience within this adverts are smokers as it shows the effects in which this has and the things that will occur.The target audience is also non-smokers as they can advice smokers by showing them the advert therefore offering them the information in which they get from this.Moreover this applies to non-smokers as they may be considering to start smoking therefore meaning that the advert is a prevention from them doing this.

Camera shots

The camera shots used are close up shots as this clearly shows the character (patient) in detail to show the illness in a realistic manner.Close up shorts also further supports the things that are occurring in terms of the heavy breathing as this is shown through his movement of lips and the actions of him pressing his inserted voice box.

Advertising techniques

The main advertising technique within this advert is the use of the standard camera,non-use of effects,no use of music therefore making it more realistic.Heart strings are also used as the audience will likely feel compassion towards the character.Moreover the use of actual events that is indicated through informing the character's death shows how serious the after effects are as they can lead to death.


The plot of the advert is simple but effective as it shows a terminally ill patient through making emphasis on how smoking has had a bad effect on his life.The  image of the character became the signifier of the issue to show what the consequences are when one smokes meaning that the audience relate to what is occurring and the example that this sets.


Overall this advert enforces the use of making an advert realistic meaning that the audience will be drawn in and believe the facts that are stated.The adverts also ensures that the patient comes across as ill to the audience through the use of his voice and his image.However the advert is not memorable as it does not use music in which the smoking- I wanna be like you enforces.The advert does not also do a range of shots in which is done in both the government release and smoking -I wanna be like you advert.

Advert 2

Government release new hard hitting anti-smoking advert

This advert firstly shows a normal household however the house has smoke in which is disturbing as a child is further shown surrounded by the smoke.Then lastly the source of the smoke is identified to be the smoking mother in which the advert end with the solution through a voice over.

Mise-en scene

The colours used in this advert are dark colours and the lighting is not bright due to use of a dark lens within the camera.The props used include the baby's toys before he's shown along with the other family surroundings however they are all covered in smoke along with the baby therefore showing the effect of smoking on others.


The sounds used are non-diegetic as it is the ground trembling therefore showing the impact that the smoke has on the baby which is further shown by the movement of the baby's hand as babies usually move slightly when they are touched whilst sleeping.

Voice over

Voice over is used as a way to conclude the advert through explanation of what occurs when you smoke and the solution.The voice over also gives an explanation of the product in detail and also allows the use of words that will have an effect on the audience such as harmful and invisible in which the advert aims to show and the product is based upon.

Content signs

The sound within this advert represents the tension and seriousness of smoke.It also shows the danger that it has to others.The interpretation of the sound also goes along with the message that the adverts aims to show (danger).


The product is a smoke free kit which is why the advert expresses the affects that this has and how this problem can be solved in which also raises the use of the emotional connection strategy.

Target audience

Mainly parents who smoke but also other individuals as this shows the effect that smoking has on others in general.In relation to the parents this also mainly aims to mothers as a female character is shown with her baby therefore showing that despite her trying not to harm her baby through smoking outside the door the smoke stills enters and affects the baby meaning a use in the baby to show mothers how their children are affected.

Camera shots

There is a range of shots used within this advert namely close up shots of the baby's toes and hands and long range of the baby's surroundings and the mother to show the distance between them therefore emphasising that the baby is not safe.The shot are slow therefore showing the audience all the family surroundings.

Advertising techniques

The advert uses a range of techniques as it is realistic in the sense that smoking does really have an effect on children etc.Heart strings are also used as the advert's aim is to reach to smokers and make them have compassion towards those around them.Lastly informative facts are provided to emphasise what the advert would like to interpret.


The advert uses the strategy of heart strings effectively as it draws the audience through showing the effect that smoking has on children and other people that surrounds you.However like the anti-smoking advert this does not have any music meaning a decrease in the potential of audience remembering it.Furthermore depending on how people interpret the advert it might seem unrealistic despite aiming to be realistic due to the high amount of smoke that is shown.

Advert 3

Smoking-I wanna be like you

This advert shows children carrying out the same activities in which their parents do and lastly shows a girl with a crayon trying to copy how the mother is smoking.

Mise-en scene

Colourful colours are used and the scenes mainly contain daylight therefore creating the perfect family scene.Children are also used within the advert as a completion of the family and to later show the impact of parents smoking.The advert also uses a range of graphical effects as firstly the colours shown reflect a good mood

Sound used :

The song I wanna be like you is used as it is linked with the meaning of the advert.A voice over is also used at the end to further reiterate the effect of smoking as the voice over says: "If you smoke, your children are more likely to smoke. Smoking. Don't keep it in the family." Therefore the voice over defines what is occurring in the advert but it also makes it more memorable therefore meaning that the advert will likely have a bigger impact.

Camera shots

A range of camera shots are used including close up,long shots and over the shoulder shots at the end to show two characters within one scene.The different shots therefore shows an overview of what the characters are feeling as happiness is conveyed during the good activities that the children are copying as opposed to the more serious faces which are then shown at the end as the girl tries to imitate how the mother is smoking.


NHS helpline mainly aimed at parents hence why they show the impact in which smoking has on children.The advert also aims to inform the audience of the effects that smoking has in general meaning that smokers will likely find ways to stop.

Target audience

mainly parent smokers and smokers in general as this advert also makes emphasis on the effect that smoking has on other individuals besides those who actually smoke.The advert also aims at people who don't smoke as this has an effect on the actions that they undertake in regard to this issue.

Advertising techniques

A sense of the things that occur within the daily lives of families is shown therefore making the advert more realistic.Informative facts are also used as emphasis on the effect of smoking is mentioned at the end through the voice over.Use of music is used in order to show what is occurring in the advert however in the form of sound.The advert also uses children as smoking parents will get the impact when they watch the advert in the presents of their children therefore meaning that they take the topic into consideration.


This advert effectively uses music and has a range of shots.However the anti-smoking advert might have a bigger impact as it is more realistic.Furthermore despite the music being an advantage it is also a disadvantage as it does not justify the seriousness of the issue at hand (smoking) in which is done with the government advert through ground trembling and done through the character's voice and breathing in the anti-smoking advert.

Monday 17 September 2012

Different forms of advertisement


Within this I am going to explain all the different advertising strategies used and the reasons as to why these strategies are used.

Advertisement definition:

Advertisement is the activity that is undertaken in order to promote a certain product or service therefore publicising it through the use of media for example television to the general public.Advertisements therefore provide information about the products or service and increases the sales in which the firm gets as it is an informative source.Therefore overall advertisement is used as a persuasion tool for the audience to have interest in a certain thing.

Historical advertisements

The first advert that was broad casted within the UK on ITV 1 was based on the Gibbs SR Toothpaste .The advert uses different sounds such similar to current adverts as it has background music,non-diegetic sounds and a voice over.Different shots are used namely close up and long range shots.

Television Advertisements have been used for a long time due to their importance in informing consumers about new products. Therefore television advertisements are a highly used form of advertising as this increase the company’s profits. Looking at Britain's first television commercial made by AB-Pathe, it was a 70-second ad for Gibbs SR Toothpaste in which is highly informing due to the voice over meaning that more potential customers will be made aware of the product therefore potentially purchasing it. In terms of the location used the advert uses a snowy river in which symbolises the cause of whitening that the product does having been used by the consumer. Furthermore putting aside the use of a voice over the advert also has a diegetic sound of water which is associated with cleanliness.

As a Colgate advert this is a realist advert as the things mentioned are factual meaning that people believe that the product work. In order to draw the audience in the advert uses Voice-over by a male saying "It's tingling fresh. It's fresh as ice. In which is also shown in the advert through the block of ice containing toothpaste to make emphasis on how freshening the product is.

Overall the advert is delivered in the correct manner as representation of what the product does is done through symbolism and the voice over that is used in order to explain what the product is in further detail. Therefore this is the base in which most adverts used despite them having different structures and strategies.

Advertising strategies

Children adverts

Within the advertising industry children are a high source of income therefore most animation adverts are made in aim to draw in children.The plot of the adverts mainly include happy characters with objects such as toys therefore getting the children's attention.Children adverts also consist of perfect families which reverts back to the happiness in which they try to reflect.

All adverts are divided amongst the audience in which they aim to reach for therefore within children adverts

Classification 1:  adverts promoting food products such as sugared cereals, cakes biscuits, yogurt and drinks.

Classification 2: adverts promoting products things such as toys and clothing.

Within children’s advertisements the main aim is to make them have a feeling of happiness in which results in them having an attachment with the product. Therefore the producers of the adverts have to look at the following aspect:  the characters in which are mostly good looking ,strong, happy and a definition of perfect to the human mind as the adverts not only aim to reach children but also the parents as they are the ones with the disposable income. The attitude of the characters is also expressed in a good manner which refers to the happy family meaning that the parents have a mind-set that their children will adapt to that certain behaviour if they purchase the product. The colours in children’s adverts are also important as they are the main attraction of their attention.
The way in which children’s adverts also aims for different genders is also important as aiming for girls means that the advert includes a fashion related products such as a fashionable doll and other dolls that you can feed (mainly things based around the homestead) etc. Typical boy’s adverts include military toys and racing cars etc. Therefore use of the products and how they are conveyed therefore make them more appealing to that gender. Furthermore children adverts also have a certain scenario that is set depending on what it aims to convey in terms of the product and what it can do and these include:
o   play-scenarios therefore showing the product in a positive manner
o   Emphasis on appearance of the overall advert for example beauty and prettiness.

o   Cuteness and the factor of making the advert make the target audience smile

o   Characters with smiling faces to make the audience have the same reaction
Another audience in which certain adverts aim for is teenagers as they highly purchase mobile phones and fashion.Furthermore in order to ensure that the advert draws in the teenagers different techniques are used such as the use of informal English.

Teenager adverts also aim to give teenagers a form of excitement and show them the reward of that certain product. Emphasis on appearance is a highly used technique within teenage advertisements as this immediately shows that they are the target audience. Furthermore teenage adverts also use idealism, perfection and happiness as these are the main things in which teenagers require along with being famous hence why some adverts use famous actors for example Emma Watson who appeals more to teenagers in the L’Oreal advert.
Charity adverts

Charity adverts are mainly aimed at people with disposable income as this means they can make donations.Therefore as charities aim to resolve issues surrounding poverty and other conflicts use of these problems occurring is used therefore making audience to compensate towards the footage that is shown.Moreover when advertising animal charities issues around this are also outlined.

Within Charity adverts they mainly use close up and extreme close up shots as the adverts aim to make emphasis on the character’s features such as their eyes and in general the state that they are in therefore showing their need of the target audience’s support in which makes the attachment and connection. Charity adverts also use realistic and mainly dark colours as they show the seriousness of the issues that are raised therefore making the distinction to show that the advert is realistic.
All adverts have different structures,plots and aims.However there are similarities that all have in common as most adverts use music in order to make the audience attached to the advert or in order to get their attention as they may be aware of the music.

Narrative adverts

Toyota GT86 advert

The advert I am going to analyse is the Toyota  advert in which which sells the Toyota GT86.The advert firstly shows a normal man driving a car however the car takes over showing he is not in control.As he drives the car his face expression shows sadness in which is later reverted as he buys Toyota in which he goes then to smile.The excitement is further built up as he starts going fast drifting showing excitement,intensity etc.Moreover he enters into a danger zone in which shows that he goes to the extreme due to the car this also shows the car makes you go the extra mile. Lastly he gets to a wall in which he breaks through showing that nothing stops you when you drive the Toyota and the car enters you into reality (this also represents the strength and power that the car has)

Narrative adverts are constructed in order to convey a products or services in the form of fictional or non fictional events within the format that it aims to express.Narrative is a highly used form of advertisement.The advert above is a narrative based advert that aims to reach audience interested in cars (Toyota).

The Toyota adverts is a perfect example of indication of a problem which is further provided with a solution as it firstly shows the character driving a car whilst giving an explanation as to how it doesn't have a connection with the driver and the sense of a good feeling when driving it as opposed to when he drives the Toyota in which gives him joy and happiness. Therefore the advert is trying to make audience identify the difference in the new Toyota that has been made in which expresses the things that the consumer requires for example comfort, style and the feeling of power within the car.

Transition in scenes

Character not feeling in control and unhappy.
Sudden miraculous scene as the Toyota is shown in all its glory as the light is illuminated onto the car.

Representation of the character in a happy mood as he drives the car meaning that he is enjoying the experience (solution).

The strategies in which the advert uses are music as a classical music piece is used therefore showing that the car is of class furthermore the advert makes an emotional connection with the audience through the use of the words said by the character in showing the difference in the car that he drives before going into the Toyota in which fulfils all his requirements. Lastly the voice of the character is relaxed and calm therefore linking with the feelings that the advert aims to convey to the audience and to show that the car has a relation to this. The colours used in the advert are dark colours as this makes the surrounding colours of things such as the cars standout and as these colours are appealing to males.

Within the narrative this gives the producer an opportunity to make the advert more appealing to the audience for example when aiming for males the start maintains a status of calmness or mid action in which is followed by the action increasing until the product is shown therefore making it more intense and making the indication of how magical the product is. This is also done to show how the product empowers the owner. Same also applies to female adverts as the intensity is built and lastly the magic occurs when the character uses the product in which empowers the character through giving them attention of the opposite sex etc.

Overall I think this advert has a good concept as it effectively builds the audience excitement therefore meaning that they feel the need to have that same feeling.Persuasion is highly used in the advert as it uses the fact that "suddenly" you will feel the difference (change).Therefore this is put across as a revolution as the car is something new and unique.However looking at some improvements that could be made these include the use of speech as this could make the story-line easier to understand for the audience.

Halifax Home Finder App

The advert I am analysing is the Halifax home finder app advert in which there is couple trying to find a house however unsuccessful as they find a home that is not a comfortable environment with a range of problem.However this is followed by the couple finding the home finder app in which leads them to a house that is suitable for their liking therefore resolving the problem and leaving them a happy couple.

In order to sum up narrative advertisement this is a form of publicising through the use of speech and song as shown within the Halifax advert trough the use of Mariah Carey's well known song I want to know what love is in which will engage the audience as this is something they are aware of.Furthermore despite the characters not actually speaking the occurrence of the advert is summarised through a voice over in which informs the audience about what Halifax is advertising.

This song (Mariah Carey-I want to know what love is)  is a crucial extension of the advert due to its popularity that it has already established meaning that people already have an attachment to the advert that therefore helps in engaging the customers and making them remember the advert.

Narrative advertisement can be both fictional and non-fictional events.Narrative also links with Torodov's theory in most cases when using narrative as shown within this advert as a couple seeks for a house then further face a crisis as the houses they find are not suitable,then the characters try to find a solution and then attempt to use the home finder app from Halifax in which revolves the issue. 

Reflecting upon this advert I think it uses a story-line as it firstly shows the couple being humiliated however being provided by a solution from Halifax in which restores their pride and happiness in which are qualities people aspire to have.Through the resolution of the situation this also gives the couple their self importance back in which the audience feel when watching the advert as the advert tries to put this across that they treat their customers well due to their importance.

Linear adverts

UK Gillette Fusion Pro Glide advert

The UK Gillette fusion Pro Glide advert firstly shows a Pro glide challenge vehicle outside a gym in which raises suspense to the audience of what the advert is about and the setting of the gym makes a foundation to the male audience as they like to keep fit and look good.The advert then shows a presenter and camera men running in which makes this documentation realistic and shows excitement that the presenter has to show this product.Representation of the product is then done in which the people in the tests state their opinions.

This is a representation of events as they happen.A linear advert therefore is a story with a beginning,middle and end which also relates to Torodov's theory in which is shown in the advert as a pro glide van is firstly shown then further an expert shown to identify the problem and then lastly providing a solution of Gillette Fusion Pro Glide.Therefore linear adverts are in a sequential order meaning that there are no things such as flashback in which show a scene shown before within the advert.

Beginning->setting the scene and showing what the product is through written communication on the van (Pro Glide challenge)

Middle->Explanation of the product and its effectiveness and good customer review (solution)

End->indication of product name and logo and promotion of networking sites

Looking at this advert it uses a lot of persuasive aspects as it firstly sets a mysterious scene followed by excitement of people running in which the representation of the product is done therefore announcing the remarkable new thing (Gillette Fusion Pro Glide).I also think that the use of the small text at the bottom is effective as this informs the audience more about the product.The advert also uses colours effectively as the colour blue is the leading colour therefore clearly showing that the target audience is men.Furthermore facts are stated "thinnest blade ever" therefore showing that the product will provide the best results and this also represents the slogan "the best a man can have" as the product is made to the out most ability of what has already been done.Lastly comparison between the new and the past product results is done therefore showing the improvements that the product has.

Standalone adverts series 

Heart to heart BT advert

This advert firstly sets the story-line in which further continues as Adam is shown speaking to Jane's son due to his concern.This conversation is done through Internet therefore showing linking with the product and when the son asks if he has been in contact with his mother he says yes in which the range of ways they communicate is shown for example phone.The advert then shows Adam and Jane speaking in which Jane rubs her tummy to indicate that she might be pregnant.

A stand alone series advertisement is a form of advert with a continuous story meaning that the story is covered through a number of adverts until the conclusion is applied.Therefore this type of advert is not covered through one advert but a number of adverts depending on how long the producer requires it to be.An example of a standalone advert series is the Adam and Jane BT advert in which shows the different parts of their communication through the use of BT as they face different fazes of their relationship.Therefore the advert aims to express the use of communication when going through different 

Overall I think this advert is well made in which is reflected by the statement that David James, BT retail marketing director, consumer, says: “This was a completely new approach for BT and a first on this scale in the UK. We have been blown away by the massive response which reflects the interest people take in the BT family story-line.”Therefore this shows that the use of a cliff-hanger was effective in the advert as people's response was a high amount of 1.6 million votes saying that Jane should be pregnant.Therefore the whole story-line raised interest meaning that people where talking about this through social media and other sources of media was stating this for example newspapers therefore meaning advertisement for the business through social media etc.

Non linear adverts

Guinness 'Evolution'

Non linear adverts are not in order therefore they can be presented through a story-line in which everything occurs backwards therefore having no representation of things that are in logical order.Non linear adverts also use flashbacks and they have no ended structure.Therefore use of non linear is done within the Guinness evolution adverts as this takes the audience through a story to inform them of their slogan "good things comes to those who wait" as the advert goes back to show that the creation process takes a longer period.

Realist adverts

Realists adverts include Colgate adverts as these adverts are factual and mostly include a story-line in which the advert starts with a problem and then further end with a solution in which is the product that is aimed to be advertised.Another example of adverts that highly use realistic techniques is adverts with hair based products as they aim to provide hair solutions such as dandruff etc.As realist adverts are realistic celebrity endorsements are highly used therefore attracting more people to the advertisement.

The above is a hair product advertisement by head and shoulders in shows the solution to flakes.The adverts is also factual as it shows what the product is made with (hydra zinc formula) and also how it helps scalp moisture.Despite the use of facts the advert also uses diegetic sound at the beginning followed by non-diegetic sound in the form of music therefore showing the excitement of the product.

Unrealist adverts

Argos Toy Exchange advert

Within this advert a family of aliens is shown entering the Argos shop with a box in which they further get toys out and explain their reason for coming with the (toy exchange).Therefore the introduction of the toy exchange which is the aim of the business is then outlined at the start meaning people are aware of this.Despite showing the aliens at the start a real family is then shown in order for the target audience to reflect on the fact that they could use this system if unable to reflect when the alien family is shown.

These are mainly animation and fantasy adverts such as the Argos advert.Unrealist adverts usually use special effects (computer generated images). Therefore unrealistic adverts show things that are not real in terms of the characters and actions done by the characters. Looking at the advantages of the use of unrealist adverts these include the opportunity to convey the character in a manner that will appeal to the audience such as perfection and happiness in which is shown in the Argos toy exchange adverts as the family shows this along with bonding. Therefore this is a key strategies used in adverts for example despite the advert mainly aiming to advertise the toy exchange system it is also aiming to convey how the brand is highly related with families therefore meaning an aim at a wider range of audience .


Twinings advert

Animation is the use of cartoons and is mainly used as a target for children but also has a range of audience as the Toyota advert shows a different perception as to how animation can be used to draw older audience.Animation is a good method of advertisement as a lot of things can be applied in order to make a good story-line.

Therefore animation can be used to show a positive insight into a certain product etc. Animation also enables the producer to convey perfection and signify the character in a manner that the target audience will have an attachment with the advert. Animation also gives the producer the opportunity to signify the product in a symbolic manner as shown in the twinning advert through how the product makes you revert back to yourself when feeling uneasy etc. Animation adverts as shown in the twinning advert also use music in which can also be in relation to what the advert aims to express and other strategies are also used for example heart strings etc.

Overall reflection

The Twinings advert is a good representation of a advert that uses symbolism as it firstly shows a girl in a boat facing the waves (obstacles).This is further made more intense and made more difficult for the characters as she loses her boat's equipment.

However the girl goes on to get saved by birds(that are constructed of water)

The birds return her to herself and she is happy and uplifted.

The last scene shows her drinking a cup of Twining therefore showing that when you are facing hardship you will find something to lift you up,bring you back to yourself and that is a cup of Twinings.