Monday 10 December 2012

Purpose of Advertising

Can advertisers say whatever they want?


Within this blog I will be looking at the reason behind why advertisements are made and the regulations regarding this industry.Therefore I will make analysis of the reasons behind why advertisements are made therefore giving me an insight on how effective the methods of communication through advertising are .

What is the point of advertising?

Draws attention

Firstly the most important purpose of advertising is the attention that it draws to a product or a service as this means that the target audience are made more aware of what the products and services of the business are.Through this the brand of the business is also strengthened as the business can outline whether the product or service is efficient or if the product is powerful strong etc.
Furthermore looking at the attention that is drawn by advertising this also means that the business gets a new set of audience as this means that the people who will be made aware will talk about the product or service through the word of mouth or through other uses of sources such as social media therefore meaning that the business gets free advertisement in which will have a longer effect and get to a wide range of people.

Secondly advertising helps the business get a profit as this an advertisement gives the business the opportunity to persuade old and potential customers why they should purchase the product or service that it offers.Therefore advertisement give customers that push to actually purchase the product therefore increasing the profits that the business gets,Furthermore advertising means that customers who are pleased with the product spread the news meaning an increase in the customers that people get.

Employment opportunities
Thirdly the advertisement industry provides opportunities as an amount of 20,000 people are employed within this sector.This is very important as this means that the advertising industry gets an improvement due to recruitment of employees who will provide something new.Furthermore as more people are employees are employed this means that the advertising industry advances and work is likely to be done more efficiently therefore meaning that operations go well.

Informs consumers of new products

Also the advertising industry keeps consumers up to date with new developments which is very important as this means that the products that are advertised receive more sales.Furthermore this means that due to this advertising industry receives more income.

Increases competition between businesses
Lastly advertising helps promote and stimulate competition as rivals have to ensure that they have a good advert that will compete with those that will be showed within that time and as one advertisement succeeds this means the need of another advertisement for other companies meaning a cycle that continues to promote the industry.

Can advertisers say whatever they want?

Ideology- This is the way in which a specific group of people think.Therefore the way of thinking of one person will differ from the other as they will have different opinions on that topic that will be raised.

Advertising Cigarette

  • Claims Cigarettes are good for you
  • For the upper class
  • Helps you to relax
  • Gives you happiness
  • Helps you in socialising
Looking at whether this could be done today this is not allowed to be enforced as there is legislation regarding the laws of he health and safety.Therefore as cigarettes are not good for you nor for the upper class the advertisement industry is not allowed to portray this as this will be misleading the audience into having this way of thinking.

Advertising Maltessers


  • Maltessers make you slim
  • Helps you in terms of your health
  • Make you happy

This cannot also be portrayed today as this is misleading the audience who will watch the advert as they will likely purchase the product if it makes you slim as opposed to other chocolates that are known to add wait due to high calories.This advert can be effective as it clearly sets a female target audience though conveying that Maltessers will make you slim.Therefore this helps in persuading the audience along with the text that is provided in which gives a clear detail of the product.


This stands for the advertising standards authority as this organisation checks adverts in order to check if they are not misleading and provide relevant information in regard to the product.This organisation also ensures that adverts do not discriminate meaning that if the advert may cause conflict it will be highly considered to be banned.

Reflecting onto this organisation's logo improvements can be made namely: Aiming for a wider range of audience for example young people though-

  • Using slang (informal language)
  • More colours
  • Images (this will provide a visual image meaning that the audience are likely to remember the organisation)
  • Using celebrity endorsements
  • Different writing (graffiti)
  • Images related to the organisation
  • Including social networking sites
  • Including contact details
  • Making the logo stand out within advertisements of the organisation.

However referring back to this organisation it has a big impact in the advertising industry as this can stop certain adverts from carrying certain things out.Looking at the statistics in 2011

  • 31,458 advert complaints were handled by the ASA
  • 4,591 adverts required change or had to be banned
  • 94% of complaints were made by the public 
Therefore as people complain to this organisation action is undertaken meaning that the advertisement is analysed and fixed.