Sunday 14 October 2012

Paco Rabanne

Monday 8 October 2012

Smoking adverts


Within this I am going to make analysis of different smoking adverts and make comparison between them and list the different good and bad that they have.Looking at anti-smoking adverts shows the difference in the structures they use as they are realistic and as a result to see if using a realistic production is effective.

Advert 1

Anti-smoking advert

This advert shows a ill patient explaining the consequences of smoking in which is further shown visually through the state his in.

This advert does not have much activity as the character is terminally ill therefore meaning that they cannot perform much actions.Use of grey colour is used therefore making the advert appear more depressing to smokers and to make emphasis that the advert is serious.Furthermore to make this realistic and show that what the character is saying are facts a standard camera is used therefore increasing the intensity of what he mentions.


The sound is effectively used within the advert as the character's breathing is heavy therefore showing further how the character is ill.Impact of this is made more intense by the voice of the character as he is using a technical voice box in which the patient has to keep pressing which also shows how he is struggling.A voice over is used at the end of the advert as the offer for help is made therefore leaving the target audience with the option to seek for help.

Content signs

As a way to justify the reason as to why smokers should stop smoking the advert shows the consequences and effects in which this actions have in the long run as the character (patient) is shown at a hospital bed with a tube to help with breathing therefore showing the extent of illness.


The NHS helpline hence why the production of the advert is realist to make an emotional connection with those who need help in regard to this situation and to also give them a shock factor of how serious smoking effects can be due to the indication of the character with throat cancer.

Target audience

The target audience within this adverts are smokers as it shows the effects in which this has and the things that will occur.The target audience is also non-smokers as they can advice smokers by showing them the advert therefore offering them the information in which they get from this.Moreover this applies to non-smokers as they may be considering to start smoking therefore meaning that the advert is a prevention from them doing this.

Camera shots

The camera shots used are close up shots as this clearly shows the character (patient) in detail to show the illness in a realistic manner.Close up shorts also further supports the things that are occurring in terms of the heavy breathing as this is shown through his movement of lips and the actions of him pressing his inserted voice box.

Advertising techniques

The main advertising technique within this advert is the use of the standard camera,non-use of effects,no use of music therefore making it more realistic.Heart strings are also used as the audience will likely feel compassion towards the character.Moreover the use of actual events that is indicated through informing the character's death shows how serious the after effects are as they can lead to death.


The plot of the advert is simple but effective as it shows a terminally ill patient through making emphasis on how smoking has had a bad effect on his life.The  image of the character became the signifier of the issue to show what the consequences are when one smokes meaning that the audience relate to what is occurring and the example that this sets.


Overall this advert enforces the use of making an advert realistic meaning that the audience will be drawn in and believe the facts that are stated.The adverts also ensures that the patient comes across as ill to the audience through the use of his voice and his image.However the advert is not memorable as it does not use music in which the smoking- I wanna be like you enforces.The advert does not also do a range of shots in which is done in both the government release and smoking -I wanna be like you advert.

Advert 2

Government release new hard hitting anti-smoking advert

This advert firstly shows a normal household however the house has smoke in which is disturbing as a child is further shown surrounded by the smoke.Then lastly the source of the smoke is identified to be the smoking mother in which the advert end with the solution through a voice over.

Mise-en scene

The colours used in this advert are dark colours and the lighting is not bright due to use of a dark lens within the camera.The props used include the baby's toys before he's shown along with the other family surroundings however they are all covered in smoke along with the baby therefore showing the effect of smoking on others.


The sounds used are non-diegetic as it is the ground trembling therefore showing the impact that the smoke has on the baby which is further shown by the movement of the baby's hand as babies usually move slightly when they are touched whilst sleeping.

Voice over

Voice over is used as a way to conclude the advert through explanation of what occurs when you smoke and the solution.The voice over also gives an explanation of the product in detail and also allows the use of words that will have an effect on the audience such as harmful and invisible in which the advert aims to show and the product is based upon.

Content signs

The sound within this advert represents the tension and seriousness of smoke.It also shows the danger that it has to others.The interpretation of the sound also goes along with the message that the adverts aims to show (danger).


The product is a smoke free kit which is why the advert expresses the affects that this has and how this problem can be solved in which also raises the use of the emotional connection strategy.

Target audience

Mainly parents who smoke but also other individuals as this shows the effect that smoking has on others in general.In relation to the parents this also mainly aims to mothers as a female character is shown with her baby therefore showing that despite her trying not to harm her baby through smoking outside the door the smoke stills enters and affects the baby meaning a use in the baby to show mothers how their children are affected.

Camera shots

There is a range of shots used within this advert namely close up shots of the baby's toes and hands and long range of the baby's surroundings and the mother to show the distance between them therefore emphasising that the baby is not safe.The shot are slow therefore showing the audience all the family surroundings.

Advertising techniques

The advert uses a range of techniques as it is realistic in the sense that smoking does really have an effect on children etc.Heart strings are also used as the advert's aim is to reach to smokers and make them have compassion towards those around them.Lastly informative facts are provided to emphasise what the advert would like to interpret.


The advert uses the strategy of heart strings effectively as it draws the audience through showing the effect that smoking has on children and other people that surrounds you.However like the anti-smoking advert this does not have any music meaning a decrease in the potential of audience remembering it.Furthermore depending on how people interpret the advert it might seem unrealistic despite aiming to be realistic due to the high amount of smoke that is shown.

Advert 3

Smoking-I wanna be like you

This advert shows children carrying out the same activities in which their parents do and lastly shows a girl with a crayon trying to copy how the mother is smoking.

Mise-en scene

Colourful colours are used and the scenes mainly contain daylight therefore creating the perfect family scene.Children are also used within the advert as a completion of the family and to later show the impact of parents smoking.The advert also uses a range of graphical effects as firstly the colours shown reflect a good mood

Sound used :

The song I wanna be like you is used as it is linked with the meaning of the advert.A voice over is also used at the end to further reiterate the effect of smoking as the voice over says: "If you smoke, your children are more likely to smoke. Smoking. Don't keep it in the family." Therefore the voice over defines what is occurring in the advert but it also makes it more memorable therefore meaning that the advert will likely have a bigger impact.

Camera shots

A range of camera shots are used including close up,long shots and over the shoulder shots at the end to show two characters within one scene.The different shots therefore shows an overview of what the characters are feeling as happiness is conveyed during the good activities that the children are copying as opposed to the more serious faces which are then shown at the end as the girl tries to imitate how the mother is smoking.


NHS helpline mainly aimed at parents hence why they show the impact in which smoking has on children.The advert also aims to inform the audience of the effects that smoking has in general meaning that smokers will likely find ways to stop.

Target audience

mainly parent smokers and smokers in general as this advert also makes emphasis on the effect that smoking has on other individuals besides those who actually smoke.The advert also aims at people who don't smoke as this has an effect on the actions that they undertake in regard to this issue.

Advertising techniques

A sense of the things that occur within the daily lives of families is shown therefore making the advert more realistic.Informative facts are also used as emphasis on the effect of smoking is mentioned at the end through the voice over.Use of music is used in order to show what is occurring in the advert however in the form of sound.The advert also uses children as smoking parents will get the impact when they watch the advert in the presents of their children therefore meaning that they take the topic into consideration.


This advert effectively uses music and has a range of shots.However the anti-smoking advert might have a bigger impact as it is more realistic.Furthermore despite the music being an advantage it is also a disadvantage as it does not justify the seriousness of the issue at hand (smoking) in which is done with the government advert through ground trembling and done through the character's voice and breathing in the anti-smoking advert.